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Paintball is a sporting activity with two opposing teams; the players use protective masks, wetsuits and pitchers (also called markers).
The pitchers propel paint balls using compressed air.

The game rules vary depending on the number of players. Indeed, different scenario can be implemented, in order to satisfy everyone.
A player is out of the game once he is hit by an exploding ball.
This activity might be dangerous if there is no support or if the safety conditions are not respected (game area confined by nets, specific mask, well-located equipment, pitcher in good condition, etc.)

Suggested schedules: 10:00 - 11:30 am / 1:30 – 3:00 pm / 3:30 – 5:00 pm
A 20-minutes briefing is required before the session begins.


parental authorization Regulation player

Results 1 - 3 sur 3

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